1·There are reactor coolant system weld issues, they're used and they're getting primary water stress corrosion cracking.
2·The stable isotope composition indicates that their rock-forming fluid is the seawater, meteoric water or primary water.
3·Both the fecal coliform Numbers given and the chlorination concentration mentioned are two primary water-quality indicators.
4·There is an intricate phenomenon that the content of primary water is high in sandstone gas reservoir with low-permeability, but several gas wells can produce water.
5·Working out the primary water pollutant discharge standard for the chemical industry in Jiangsu province had a practical significance to clean production and environmental protection.
6·The primary growing medium, what the plants draw nutrients from, is actually soil, not water.
7·Primary containment vessels in units 1 and 3 are reportedly intact, but a structure in unit 2 has cracked, preventing water from fully covering the core.
8·Good weather, nice scenery, plentiful water and good eats were the primary draws.
9·Scare water is not the primary problem, however. Hydro stations normally produce only about 22% of the nation's power. Most of the remainder-73%-comes from coal.
10·We also need to cool the reactor and the spent fuel in the spent fuel pool but that basically means you wanna maintain the coolant inventory which means water in the primary system.